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M-F: 8am – 5pm
Weekends: Closed


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Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of our frequently asked questions so that you may be able to find your answer more quickly.  If you don’t see your question listed, feel free to reach out and we can help!

What does Kids TruthLighthouse cost?

We are excited to share that the Kids TruthLighthouse curriculum is absolutely free!  You only need to create a login and provide some basic information and then you are all set.

Can I use this in my Sunday School class?

Absolutely!  We feel that it is imperative that we reach out to kids & young adults where they are at.  So that includes at home, Sunday school, with friends and family, and even at school.

Can I redistribute this material?

Our content is free to use with attribution.  That means that it must retain all of our logo and copyright disclaimers.  Additionally if you share this online, you must attribute the sourcing back to Kids Truthlighthouse through a working hyperlink and name.

How are you able to make this material free?

Through the blessings of God!  He has worked in a mighty way through you all to supply our needs.  If you would like to support our ministry, please visit our donation page.

Is your website safe for my kids?

We thoroughly vet all material that is listed on our website and make sure that it matches the Christian standards set forth in the Bible.  While some Bible stories are geared towards an older audience, those are clearly marked so that you can step into those at the appropriate time.